The mission of the Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) Family Medicine Residency program is to provide world class instruction to residents. Graduate physicians will be able to lead a person-centered, medical-home-team from cradle-to-grave that is based on a lean, value driven, and sustainable methodology, delivered in an equitable and inclusive culture.
By promoting diversity in our workforce and addressing social determinants of health, we aim to deliver culturally competent care and reduce healthcare disparities in our communities fulfilling the mission of the health system: “Improving the health of our community in all we do.”

NGMC Family Medicine Residency Program will graduate family physicians who …
- Provide COMPREHENSIVE CARE: Our future graduates will be competent board-certified family medicine clinicians. They will be competent in providing care to any person seeking assistance in acute illness, chronic illness, preventive care, maternity care, and/or minor surgery. They will provide safe, high-quality care in all care settings.
- Develop a PASSION FOR EXCELLENCE. Our residents will develop a systematic approach to identifying, appraising, and strategizing appropriate diagnosis and treatment plans for their patients. Residents will also develop the ability to quickly access resources, identify knowledge gaps, and be self-reflective of their practice performance to improve and grow as Physicians. In addition, residents will be groomed to be in constant pursuit of knowledge that will improve patient care.
- Display RESPECTFUL COMPASSION. Our future graduates will display respect, empathy, professionalism, and compassion for their patients, and their patient’s privacy information. They will be skilled in constructively engaging patients with chronic disease, promoting self-management skills and fostering incremental lifestyle changes. As a result, our graduates achieve improved health outcomes.
- Practice RESPONSIBLE STEWARDSHIP. Our future graduates will mindful of costs of their interventions and of the system-wide impact of their decisions. They will also be proactive in ensuring that their decisions are based on integrity, excellence in conduct, are patient centered, and minimizes risks/costs to patients and to the organization.
- Live and breathe DEEP INTERDEPENDENCE: Our future graduates will develop a deep sense of interdependence with colleagues, staff, and other clinicians. The spirit of teamwork will be promoted through our interdisciplinary teams and practice partnerships.
- Are SERVANT LEADERS: Our graduates will lead by example and embrace the philosophy that they are a
servant. They acknowledge that the patient’s welfare may require a sacrifice of their personal convenience or inclinations. Through their service to the community, their actions will clearly depict a ‘put others first’ attitude.privileged