March 20, 2023

NGMC increases number of resident physicians

More physicians are on the way to care for people across the region, as Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) learned Friday who is joining the newest class of resident physicians this summer.   The organization’s fifth class spans seven specialties and increases the number of residents in each specialty to: NGMC also has 12 Cardiovascular Disease […]

March 22, 2021

Northeast Georgia Medical Center Matches New Class of Resident Physicians

As our region continues to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainties that have gone along with it, National Match Day is a pleasant reminder that some things have remained constant. On Friday, Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) faculty and staff learned who their newest class of resident physicians are — an announcement that happens […]

March 20, 2020


Match Day 2020 Logo

So, what exactly is Match Day? Obtaining a Doctor of Medicine degree is a wonderful achievement. Before you’re allowed to treat patients, however, you need to complete more training to become the specific kind of doctor you want to be – it’s called residency training, and it all starts on Match Day. Match Day is […]