January 26, 2023

Dr. Seth Illu

Hello everyone! Seth Illu (e-u) here. I’m a first generation American, college grad and medical grad. My Father is from Guatemala hence the different last name. His hard work to get where he is at today inspired me to do something more in life. His example eventually led me on the path of becoming a doctor. 

Dr. Illu

Where are you from and what do you like most about Georgia thus far?

I’m originally from the great place of Salt Lake City, Utah. Although I miss my old stomping ground, I’m excited to be here in Georgia. Although Gainesville isn’t at the foot of the Rocky Mountains it’s still nestled in between an amazing city full of culture and the Appalachian Mountains. I love it because I can have the best of both worlds without dealing with city traffic or the remote country. Needless to say, I really like the area. 

I understand you are on the soccer league; how did you find out about it and what do you enjoy most?

Soccer has always been a big part in my life and my family’s life. It’s good exercise, fun to play, and a HUGE de-stressor! I heard about the soccer league from my PD team and knew I wanted to join. Every time I get to play it’s as if all the worlds’ hassles, emotions, and stressors melt away. Even though I’m sore afterwards, it leaves me rejuvenated for the week to come. 

Would you recommend joining a league to other residents?

If you’re dealing with the stress of residency and life, then I highly recommend coming to play. The residency team name is the NGMC Strikers. We play every Monday around 7:15 pm at the OSO sports complex (which is right behind Solis). Residents (or even attendings) from any specialty, are welcome to come play! We try to keep it low key and just have some fun.

You can sign up by clicking on the link here:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12cx2_gS6I7Slkb1JqTLl5teZpIlUXZgDkrPnGRu56yQ/edit 

My personal philosophy is if your take care of yourself mentally and physically, then you’ll have the stamina to deal with day-to-day life. Soccer does this in my life, so if you’re looking for something to help in yours, come play with us! 

See you in the field!

Learn more about Wellness at NGMC GME.