January 26, 2023


Dr. Seth Illu Hello everyone! Seth Illu (e-u) here. I’m a first generation American, college grad and medical grad. My Father is from Guatemala hence the different last name. His hard work to get where he is at today inspired me to do something more in life. His example eventually led me on the path […]

December 27, 2021

Resident Wellness Highlighted in GHA Magazine

NGMC GME is so excited to share that NGHS’ employee support initiatives during the pandemic have been featured in the current issue of the Georgia Hospital Association’s magazine, twentyfourseven – including highlights of our work in resident wellness! Check out Dr. Reyes (Internal Medicine, PGY-1) and our EAP therapy dog, Gili, on the cover!

September 15, 2021

Shine a Light, Speak its Name

National Physician Suicide Awareness Day September is Suicide Prevention Month, and September 17 was National Physician Suicide Awareness Day.  We recognize this day to create awareness about the epidemic of physician suicide, to remember colleagues lost to suicide, and to fight against the stigma of physicians seeking mental health support. Fast Facts Physicians die by […]

June 24, 2021

Sleep & Fatigue

Holly Stewart, MS, Director of GME Wellness How to Recognize Sleep Deprivation and Fatigue Sleep deprivation and fatigue interfere with concentration, cognition, fine motor tasks, decision making, and emotional stability. It can impact your ability to safely care for patients and can compromise your own safety and wellbeing – particularly when it comes to driving […]

May 18, 2021

The Facts about Mental Health

Kalpana Prasad, MD – Program Director, Psychiatry Residency Program May is Mental Health Awareness month, which brings us a great opportunity to educate and raise awareness about the rising need to address mental illness. Here are a few facts: Mental Health Facts • 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year.• 1 in […]

March 30, 2020


by Holly Stewart, BSW, MSOLDirector of Resident Wellness In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, most of us can say that we’ve never experienced anything quite like this in our lifetime. Whether you are a front line healthcare worker caring for sick patients with limited resources, or you are homebound and adjusting to a new way of […]

February 19, 2020


Amy Bailey, MD, FAAFP When I started my Family Medicine residency, it was such a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by people who had the same goal as I had – to become a fantastic Family Medicine physician. There were twelve of us, and we were all eager to begin our three-year journey. However alike […]

July 23, 2019

Emotional Intelligence

by Devin Vicknair, MS, PhD What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)? Emotional intelligence can be best understood through four areas: Self-awareness: recognize and label your emotions, motivation, and mood; Self-management: controlling impulses, judgment, adaptability and directing mood; Social-awareness: empathizing with others and in tune with how people tend to function; Social skills: connecting, teamwork, and communication. […]